Beyond Isolation: 12 Types of Loneliness That May Surprise You

Or: Why loneliness goes deeper than not having friends

Stephan Joppich
9 min readApr 1, 2023
Image created on Canva

Loneliness is not the same as being alone. You can feel lonely in a crowd, in marriage, and, of course, in isolation. Being alone is objective and neutral, whereas loneliness is personal, painful, and multi-faceted.

And yet, our conversation around loneliness is marked by one-dimensionality and a lack of vocabulary. We sum up loneliness with one word when, in reality, there are many types of loneliness. This makes talking about loneliness blurry and confusing, like observing a painting from a large distance. What we need to do is get closer and examine the shades, the textures, the layers. It’s only then that we can discuss our perspectives — and perhaps find common ground.

With that in mind, here are 12 lesser-known types of loneliness we might experience throughout our lives. Understanding them can make it much easier to address and deal with our feelings of loneliness.

1. Hikikomori Loneliness

In the 1990s, more and more Japanese adolescents started retreating from their families and society as a whole. Not only that, a reentry from their withdrawal seemed impossible. These people have become known as hikikomori (derived from the…



Stephan Joppich

Engineer turned philosophy student • I write about loneliness, transformative books, and other pseudo-deep stuff that keeps me up at night •