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Who I am, what I write about, and how to get in touch.

Stephan Joppich
2 min readJun 7, 2021

Hey there!

My name’s Stephan Joppich, and I’m an engineer turned writer. (Fun fact: I used to write under the pen name Leo Sharp. If you’re interested in why I embraced my “real” name, you can check out this story.)

The golden thread that runs through my work is the question, “How can we live a more intentional, fulfilled life?” My search has led me to these current focal points:

  • Loneliness: How to handle the terror of social isolation and harness the power of connection.
  • Books: How the right book at the right time can completely transform one’s outlook on life.
  • Philosophy: How ancient wisdom can help us overcome everyday problems.
  • Minimalism: How to create a simpler life for daily contentment.

I want to ensure your reading time is an investment to help you live a simpler, more connected life. That’s why all my articles are easy to read, fact-based, and rooted in timeless principles. Every piece I write contains an atom of my soul.

Enjoy my writing? Sign up for my free newsletter for bi-weekly-ish thoughts on intentionality and fulfillment. Also, you might enjoy my other project, The Bibliosopher’s Club, where I try to dissect books with as much detail as humanly possible.

Get in touch? Send me an email. If that doesn’t work, read the contact page on my website. Requests for work, feedback, thoughts — everything is welcome (well, everything but spam). I might not always respond immediately, but I can guarantee that I read every email. I’ll get back to you ASAP.

Thanks for reading. I truly appreciate your support.



Stephan Joppich

Engineer turned philosophy student • I write about loneliness, transformative books, and other pseudo-deep stuff that keeps me up at night •