Hey there! 👋🏼

Here's a little bit about me:

- I'm an engineer turned philosophy student. - I was born and raised in Germany, but lived in five different countries. - My favorite pastimes include yoga, hiking, cooking, and playing the piano.

I publish weekly articles on minimalism, loneliness, philosophy.

These include but are not limited to... ...simplified research to understand loneliness and human connection. ...practical guides for decluttering your life. ...actionable ideas from great books. Sounds good? ➡️ Here's what you can do to stay updated: Follow me on Medium. Get my new articles straight into your inbox. Subscribe to my free Thoughtful Thursday newsletter — a fortnightly meditation on living a more intentional, fulfilled life. Join my new book club.

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Medium member since June 2023
Stephan Joppich

Stephan Joppich

Engineer turned philosophy student • I write about loneliness, minimalism, and books that changed my life • More food for thought → stephanjoppich.com